Tor Mclean, the resident of Lafayette, California, solved the California historic drought issue at his own backyard. He tore away his water-thirsty lawn and turned it into a beautiful, eternally green retreat that requires zero maintenance and lowers approximatly 70% of his monthly water bill. Plus, he is getting a rebate from East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) to decrease the cost of transition.
"I want it look pretty. I want it look good, " -said Tor Mclean. "Don't have to spend a lot Read More
As a drought becomes a major
concern in California, the idea of replacing old lawns with artificial grass
becomes more and more attractive to home and business owners. In the interview
with Ken Wayne, Fox News, San Francisco, Jim Luthi, the homeowner of Newark,
confessed he has bit the bullet and replace the sod with artificial turf: "Thirty something years of having
droughts on and off. "
Click here to WATCH
As every homeowner knows, a
nice lawn takes a lot of work and water, and for some it doesn't Read More
Global Syn-Turf, Inc. today announced the release of new
line of artificial grass developed with one-of-the-kind Double S shape
technology designed to create super-realistic look and higher resilience of
synthetic turf surfaces. With this latest release, Global Syn-Turf further satisfies
the industry's demand for a proven and reliable outdoor solution which is
inherently low-maintenance and zero-irrigation; a synthetic grass which
provides greater resiliency, realistic appearance and lasting durability.
The Read More
Gardeners like you can now start saving water through the
use of artificial grass for their landscapes as replacement for the natural
grass. The usual lawn is short, green and lush. When the weather is hot,
natural grass should be paid with more attention and care. There is the need
for more water, which means you will be spend more on your water bills for your
lawn when the summer time kicks in. During this season, it has to be watered
and maintained frequently and you may need to do it every day, Read More
Water saving landscaping design and Water conservation and ideas with synthetic turf, synthetic turf, fake grass. Front yard landscaping with fake turf. Residential and commercial applications with turf, sports fields, parks, playgrounds. Rooftop and back yard landscaping with synthetic turf/synthetic grass. Synthetic grass and fake turf, synthetic turf, ideas with fake turf and Desert landscape design. Artificial grass, artificial turf and Creative ideas with synthetic turf. Realistic looking, best Read More
Ideas with artificial grass and water saving landscaping design and Water conservation, fake turf, synthetic turf. Rooftop and back yard landscaping with fake turf/synthetic turf. Desert landscape design and ideas with artificial grass, synthetic turf, synthetic turf and fake grass. Front yard landscaping with synthetic turf. Installation in Calvert, artificial turf, synthetic turf, synthetic grass, synthetic lawn, artificial lawn, artificial grass, playground, artificial turf, synthetic turf, synthetic Read More
Water conservation and ideas with synthetic grass and water saving landscaping design, synthetic turf, artificial turf. Synthetic turf and fake turf, affordable synthetic turf, artificial turf, fake turf. Realistic looking, natural looking, imperishable and long lasting, child-friendly and pet, fake Grass Installations, best warranty in fake turf industry, environmental friendly. Rooftop and back yard landscaping with fake turf/synthetic grass. Landscaping ideas and design. Front yard landscaping Read More
Parks, sports fields, playgrounds, residential and commercial applications with turf. Pet and child-friendly, naturalistic looking, long-lived and long lasting, fake turf Installations, environmental friendly, best warranty in fake turf industry, natural looking. Artificial turf, synthetic grass, water conservation and ideas with synthetic turf and water saving landscaping design. Rooftop and back yard landscaping with fake turf/synthetic grass. Artificial turf and Creative ideas with fake turf, fake Read More